Alda Cirincione

Paintings and other creative works


Tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt meiner abstrakten Malerei. 

Hier finden Sie ein Kaleidoskop aus Farben, Formen und Emotionen, das darauf wartet, von Ihnen entdeckt zu werden

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of my abstract paintings.

Here you will find a kaleidoscope of colours, shapes and emotions waiting to be discovered by you.

Immergetevi nell’affascinante mondo dei miei dipinti astratti.

Qui troverete un caleidoscopio di colori, forme ed emozioni che aspettano di essere scoperte da voi.

Gouache Paintings
Artists Books
Exhibition at the Orangerie in Munich
Creative Calligraphy
Acryl Paintings
About me